iWell_IO5 Policy Practice Recommendations_Executive Summary_EN

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be This Executive Summary presents an overview of our findings form the research process, and some key insights from project partners. The full Policy and Practice Recommendations Report with detailed overview of the focus group sessions held in each country, with the national case studies and with policy and practice recommendations per partner country is available on the project website: https://iwellproject.eu/resources/ To begin with reviewing our work in iWell, we will start by providing some insights from partners with an overview of the feedback received from teachers and school stakeholders engaged in the project, and some information on the type of impact we have achieved in partner countries, thanks to iWell. Feedback from the Participants Throughout the iWell project, partner organisations have been collaborating with primary school communities, teachers, education psychologists and health education professionals to pilot, test and refine our iWell training package, to support the development of digital, social and emotional well-being resources for primary schools. Based on our piloting activities, we have received the following feedback from teachers engaged in this project:  Positive moments of the project: o The digital resources in IO3 – Mini games and IO4 – MOOCs that covered three sub-areas of well-being, i.e., the digital, the social and the emotional well-being.